Friday, October 23, 2009

How to be banned from Google - Exclusively

Dear brothers and sisters, friends, our respective readers, money makers, clickers, cheaters and other valuable members of the cyber community:
We have the great honour and we are proud to inform you that we have been officially banned from Google, because we've tried to cheat them for a few bux.
That's absolutely ok because we've been trying to achieve that goal for a long time. We've cheated a lot and apart from us, all the best adsense clickers were our friends, relatives, as well as other brothers/sisters clickers and cheaters. But now, there is something very difficult to understand. There is a very hard question to answer. Of course, we didn't try to find this answer on Google (even though it maybe exists), but if anyone has any information about it, we kindly ask him/her you to inform us. Here is our question...
Does anyone know were all the money from the banned accounts ends? Has anyone ever received a mail from Google such as: "Hi, we wish to give you back the "Google Dollars", because we have recently discovered that the Great Internet Swindle blog had fake clicks on your AdWords". Of course, no one has ever had back the "GoogleDollars" . Then, you should also add to this all the money amounts that belong to all the "non-cheating people" who will never reach the Google payout of 100$. Now, multiply all that with millions and millions of different accounts and you will get a very nice sum of "GoogleDollars". We honestly hope that such a respectful company like Google doesn't really cheat on their advertisers and that the least they could be doing is giving this huge amount of money to charity.
What do you think? Are they really doing it or perhaps there is much greater cheater around us, much greater then all of us put together???
Be careful, Google is watching you.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


5 fast, simple easy steps to cheat google for more then 2$ per week- special FREE! Unique Super Top Secret Formula discovered personally by the members of Great Internet Swindle group

TOP Secret - FREE! step no.1
-open account and make fake identity on facebook; my space,twitter… We will give example based on our fake account on facebook. Please be free to add as for friends. We are hiding under name Click Trust

TOP Secret - FREE! step no.2

-join the groups about ad sense - There is so many different groups about ad sense and internet marketing. Select and join few of them. You are very welcome to join our, stil small, but elite group: “Great Internet Swindle”.

TOP Secret - FREE! step no.3


OK, you already have your fake account and you are member of groups about ad sense. It means that you have a list of people who are interested about topic and it s time to invite them to become your friends.
How you will recognize other cheaters. Actually, there is no special system but in the beginning it can help if you contact people who are hiding under names such: “Fast Clicker; Click Exchanger, Adsense Clicker, Click Trust etc…”
Other way is even more simplyer. Like many others, Great Internet Swindle group on facebook already have section named Click Exchange. There you will find other members who are ready for action.
NOTICE - We guarantee that all members are ready for click exchange ant that they are highly skilled and professional cheaters and clickers.

TOP Secret - FREE! step no.4


Once others accept your “friend request” contact them with private message and make secret deal about CLICK EXCHANGE! Here is an example of such a message:
“Hi there,
nice to meet you and thanks for the add,
my URL is
1 click and 5 page impressions please.
I’ll make same for you, send me your URL
Thanks, stay in touch”

TOP Secret - FREE! step no.5


In 99% cases other cheater will contact you in less 24 hours. Usually, it sound like this:
My URL is
Stay in touch”
It means it’s time for action. Don’t be a lazy bastard. It’s your turn. Visit other cheater’s page and click on google ads.
Go and check your ad sense account.
Wow!!! It really works. Few more cents already waiting for you.

One more time Great Internet Swindle has prove that we are better then any online money making guru (best regards to our favorite one Mister Alvin Phang) and all that for FREE!!!

At the end you will probably ask yourself:
“Why only one click and why 5 impressions?”
The simple answer is “Because Google is cleaver mother f….r” but that’s another story and it will come very soon. So save your time and stay with us.
Very best
“Great Internet Swindle” group

Sunday, May 31, 2009


OK, we have great news for you. We recently discover magical formula to cheat Google for more then 2$ (TWO DOLLARS!!!) per week and of course we will give this formula to you absolutely FREE!!! There is no internet marketing gurus ( best regards to our favorite one Mr. Alvin Phang) who will tell you something like this. There are two possible reasons why they will never speak about. First one (and probably most logical) is because they are too selfish to share so valuable information with you or (less possible) they don't know about. Luckily, the Great Internet Swindle is here to discover those secrets for you.
Warning!!! - Before you read this formula we would like to ask you to think carefully and to give answers on this questions:
1) Do I like money?
2) Am i sure that i want to make MORE then 2$ per week cheating Google
3) Am i ready for my dream become true?

If you answered at least 1 (ONE) question with "Yes" you are on the right place.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

HOW TO MAKE VERY BAD BLOG - how to make very bad blog

The first one we made is a master piece of unsuccessful blogs. Hiding under little bit tricky and provocative name “Blessed housewives” there is probably most boring page ever made about sexuality. So what we have done on
Not much. For all of that you need maximum few hours if you are beginner but the result is not worth this few hours. Better take your girlfriend or wife somewhere and spend some quality time.
Ok what’s wrong there? Probably everything. Just take a quick look and you will understand why.
One thing is for sure, you will never make money on line with blog that look like
"blessed housewives"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Before we start, we will give you our first valuable information, which is priceless, but it's no news since everyone already knows we are crazy and that we are giving it for FREE.


Work on them but do not publish them or choose names before you don’t make at least one experimental blog to see how things work. It doesn’t matter how much you respect suggestions that internet money making gurus give you (best regards to our favorite one - Mister Alvin Phang) and how careful you read their material, but one thing is sure: YOU WILL, SOONER OR LATER, MAKE A MISTAKE. Somewhere, somehow, even if not realizing that you are making it. Mister Alvin Phang and other guys are so successful and rich that they can’t really explain to you what is wrong and where exactly you're making a mistake. Sometimes they try doing it, but everyone knows that learning from your own mistakes is for sure the best school that ever existed. That’s why we’ve created a few unsuccessful blogs. Take a quick look at them and you will then know how NOT to make a blog.

Wish you all the best,
Great Internet Swindle group

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hi there again,
Don’t worry we are back. This time straight to the top armed with new knowledge.
If you are curious what we have done since our last post shortest answer would be: “spend our time to save your time”.
Why would someone do something like that?
Simply, because we were enough stupid to believe to Google and internet money making gurus (best regards to our favorite one Mister Alvin Phang) and tried to make some money by clicks on Google ads
But honestly speaking we discover many things about great internet swindle, as well as we discover that we were bad students because of bad teachers.
Few months before we told to all of you that we like harder way and that’s exactly how we did it. We are happy to tell you about and in next few posts you will find a lot of useful information. For the beginning, learn how to make unsuccessful blog. And all that for FREE !!! Of course.
Very best
Great Internet Swindle group


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