Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ok. It's though time again. Some wars are ending but many more are starting, mother Earth is screaming for help, rock& roll is dead and businessmen are drinking your wine. Your pocket is mostly empty and you desperately need some extra money. And it also means an extra job.
What should you do?
You're gonna make money online!
And you are thinking the right way. I mean, why not? So many people have already made money that way!
Then you will ask yourself a question like: "Am I really smart, skilled and good enough to make money online?"
Well, maybe you are not the best one, but please believe me, you are not the most stupid person in this job. There are so many potential candidates for that prestige title on the web and most probably you are just too far away to enter the real competition. It means that you really need to have talent for that.

After our last phrase your Ego is supposed to feel pleasantly relaxed and safe so that we can continue.

What are you gonna do first?
Very probably, the same as we did, you will try to find some information online. Correct? Please remember that moment very well and start counting the time you've spent for such a purpose.
What happens then?
Let's say you are searching for "make money online" on Yahoo! You literary have more then 2 billion potential results. For other relevant keywords is more or less the same . And all this people are telling same to you about making money online: it s quick and instant, it s easy, it s huge amount of money, it s absolutely FREE!, that's job you can do it from home in free time and that any idiot can do it. But if you go little bit deeper it also means that you are idiot because you already don t make money online and that you supposed to be thankful and kiss their ass because they are so good to tell you everything about.
And GUESS? Thats not ALL.
Some of those people go really very far. They even tell you they are undertaking the risk because other people gonna think they are crazy because they give you huge number of so valuable informations for free. But what else they can do when they are soooo good harted persons? It s true they will also make some money but this come later.
Ok, you are in and you gonna give a try. What you can loose? Ok little bit of time maybe, but not too much since it s quick and instant money. But the rest looks like game. I mean just take a look on ads on this page. Everything is like in dream.
You choose few pages to see whats about, then few more pages and then some more.
To save your time you will come to the point that the best idea for beginer is to make a "BLOG"

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